Great Mullein
Great Mullein, Lune estuary, Lancaster
Flower spikes, Ham Hill, Somerset
Flower - stamens and style
Flower - stamen hairs
Upper leaves - alternate
Rosette of basal leaves
Verbascum thapsus
Aaron's Rod
June to August
It is found throughout the country
See the BSBI distribution map for Great Mullein
It is found in scrubland, hedgebanks, grassy areas and on
waste ground.
Great Mullein is a native, rather handsome, biennial herb,
growing up to 2m.
The yellow flowers are up to 3cm across with slightly
unequal petals.
There are 5 stamens, the upper 3 are shorter and very
hairy, and the lower 2 are longer and not hairy.
The anthers are large and orange.
The style is long and green.
The leaves are covered with soft white hairs, giving
the plant a greyish-white appearance.
Leaves are up to 45 cm.
Basal leaves form a rosette and stem leaves are alternate.
Previous page: Great Burnet
Next page: Great Willowherb
Great Mullein, Lune estuary, Lancaster
Flower spikes, Ham Hill, Somerset
Flower - stamens and style
Flower - stamen hairs
Upper leaves - alternate
Rosette of basal leaves
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