White and lilac Goat's-rue,
Brookside Walk, London
Lilac flower spike
White flower spike
Close-up of leguminous flowers
Long-pointed sepals
Leaf with weakly-pointed leaflets
Galega officinalis
French Lilac
June to September
It is found mainly in the South, the East and parts of the
See the BSBI distribution map for Goat's-rue
It is a neophyte, which has been grown in England since
the 1650s and known in the wild since the 1640s.
It grows on waste land and grassy banks.
Goat's-rue is an alien, perennial,nitrogen-fixing herb,
growing up to 1.5m and forming extensive colonies.
Flowers are on stalked spikes and range from white
to pinkish lilac.
Individual flowers are up to 15mm and have 4 bristle
-like sepal teeth.
Pods are linear and up to 3cm.
Leaves have paired leaflets and a terminal leaflet.
Leaflets are ovate to lanceolate and weakly pointed.
Stems are erect and stiff.
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Next page: Grape-vine
White and lilac Goat's-rue,
Brookside Walk, London
Lilac flower spike
White flower spike
Close-up of leguminous flowers
Long-pointed sepals
Leaf with weakly-pointed leaflets
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