Garden Radish
Garden Radish on waste ground
Close-up of flower
Flower with mauve tint
Raphanus sativus
May to October
It is thinly scattered throughout the country, but is slightly
more common in the Southeast and East Anglia.
See the BSBI distribution map for Garden Radish
It is an archaeophyte which has been planted as a crop for
over a 1000 years and recognised as a casual escape for
more than a 100.
It is a bird-sown or garden escape on waste tips and waste
Garden Radish is an annual that is shorter (up to 40cm)
than Wild Radish.
The flowers are white or lilac, distinctly veined and up
to 3cm.
Pods are larger and less beaded than Wild or Sea
Leaves are pinnately lobed with a large terminal lobe.
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Garden Radish on waste ground
Close-up of flower
Flower with mauve tint
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