Garden Arabis
Garden Arabis on Ham Hill, Somerset
Seed pod
Upper leaves clasping the stem
Stalked lower leaves on younger plant
Arabis caucasica
March to May
It is found throughout the country as a garden plant.
The naturalised form is scattered throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Garden Arabis
It is a neophyte which has been widely planted in gardens
since 1800 and was recorded as naturalised in the
wild soon after in the 1850s.
It grows on limestone in rocky places such as cliffs
and walls.
The pictures shown here were taken on Ham Hill, a
limestone hill fort in Somerset.
Garden Arabis is a mat-forming. perennial herb growing
up to 40cm.
The flowers are white and up to 15mm across.
There are 4 overlapping petals, 4-6 stamens and a longish
style with a capitate stigma.
Young leaves are green with a greyish tinge.
Older leaves turn grey and may become bronzed.
They are variably toothed, the lower leaves stalked
and the upper leaves sessile and clasping the stem.
Seed pods are cylindrical.
In gardens, it is grown in rockeries.
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Next page: Garden Grape-hyacinth
Garden Arabis on Ham Hill, Somerset
Seed pod
Upper leaves clasping the stem
Stalked lower leaves on younger plant
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