Frosted Orache
Frosted Orache, strand line, Exe estuary, Devon
Fruiting spike
Fruits, bracteoles and upper leaves
Lower leaf and red stem
Spreading stems
Atriplex laciniata
August to September
It is found all round the coast.
See the BSBI distribution map for Frosted Orache
It grows on sand and shingle beaches at the high
tide mark.
In the South it has declined due to recreational pressure.
Frosted Orache is a native, sprawling, spreading, silvery
-white, annual herb, growing up to 30cm.
Flower spikes are shorter than the leaves.
Fruits are triangular with bracteoles fused to half way.
Leaves are thick, ovoid-rhomboid, very mealy and up
to 2cm.
Stems are branched and red.
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Frosted Orache, strand line, Exe estuary, Devon
Fruiting spike
Fruits, bracteoles and upper leaves
Lower leaf and red stem
Spreading stems
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