Fringed Water-lily
Fringed Water-lily, New Forest
Flower raised above water on pedicel
Fringed petals
Flower with 5 stamens
Leaves and rhizomes
Upper leaf surface
Lower leaf-surface
Leaf petioles
Nymphoides peltata
June to September
It is scattered throughout the country, but is less
frequent in the North.
See the BSBI distribution map for Fringed Water-lily
It grow in shallow water in lakes, ponds, slow flowing
rivers, canals and large fenland ditches.
Fringed Water-lily is a native, rhizomatous, perennial,
floating herb.
The yellow flowers project above the water and up
to 4cm across.
It is 5-merous with fringed-petals, yellow stamens and
lanceolate sepals..
The floating leaves are up to 10cm across, cleft, green
above and purple below.
Rhizomes are creeping.
Other water-lilies include: White Water-lily
Previous page: Fragrant Evening-primrose
Next page: Fuchsia
Fringed Water-lily, New Forest
Flower raised above water on pedicel
Fringed petals
Flower with 5 stamens
Leaves and rhizomes
Upper leaf surface
Lower leaf-surface
Leaf petioles
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