Field-rose on dune slack, Blackpool
Newly open flower - yellow anthers
Close-up of style column and stamens
Older flower - dark anthers
Purplish, glandular sepals
Leaves and purple stems
Rosa arvensis
June to August (2 weeks after Dog Rose)
It is found throughout the country except for the far North.
See the BSBI distribution map for Field-rose
It grows in open woodland and scrub, beside roads and
railways, and in hedges.
Field-rose is a native, deciduous shrub, growing up to 2m.
It climbs over other plants using hooked prickles, and may
form dense patches.
Flowers are up to 5cm across, with 5 creamy-white petals.
Sepals are purplish and glandular - as are the flower stalks.
Newly opened flowers have numerous stamens with yellow
The anthers darken over time.
The styles and stigmas form a central column, which is a
major aid to identification.
Fruits are red hips.
Leaves are bright green.
Stems are purple and trailing.
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Field-rose on dune slack, Blackpool
Newly open flower - yellow anthers
Close-up of style column and stamens
Older flower - dark anthers
Purplish, glandular sepals
Leaves and purple stems
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