Equal-leaved Knotgrass
Equal-leaved Knotgrass, Lancaster
Flowers, fruits and ant
Blunt leaves
Polygonum arenastrum
July to November
It is found throughout the country except for parts of the
See the BSBI distribution map for Equal-leaved Knotgrass
It grows on bare, trodden ground, such as in field gateways
and on tracks and paths.
It is a naturalised archeophyte from Eurasia.
Equal-leaved Knotgrass is an annual, prostrate herb,
growing up to 30cm.
Flowers are in groups of 2-3 and slightly smaller than
in Knotgrass (June).
The tepals are greenish-white or pink, and are fused
to about half their length.
The leaves of the main stems and the flowering stems
are roughly the same size and are less pointed than for
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Equal-leaved Knotgrass, Lancaster
Flowers, fruits and ant
Blunt leaves
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