Eastern Rocket
Eastern Rocket at the base of a wall
Flowers with forming pods
Young hairy pods
Mature pods
Upper leaves
A lower leaf
Sisymbrium orientale
April to December
It is scattered throughout thecountry but absent from
parts of the North, the South and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Eastern Rocket
It grows on rough, waste ground, alongside railways
and in cracks at the base of walls.
It is a neophyte which has been grown in the UK
since the 1730s and has been recognised as a
naturalised escape since the late 1850s.
It is on the increase.
Eastern Rocket is an annual herb (sometimes
overwintering) growing up to 90cm.
The yellow flowers are up to 7mm across with 4 petals.
The pods start off hairy but lose their hairs on elongation
(up to 10cm)
The leaves are pinnately lobed but the lobes are lanceolate.
Previous page: Early-purple Orchid
Next page: English Scurvygrass
Eastern Rocket at the base of a wall
Flowers with forming pods
Young hairy pods
Mature pods
Upper leaves
A lower leaf
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