Eastern Gladiolus
Eastern Gladiolus, Dorset
Flower spike
6-petalled flower
3 stamens and 3 stigmas
Iris-type leaves
Gladiolus communis
Whistling Jacks - a separate entry, also in May
May to August
It is found mainly in the Southwest and is very thinly
scattered elsewhere.
See the BSBI distribution map for Eastern Gladiolus
It is found at the edge of fields, roadsides and on
rough ground.The pictures here are from rough
grassland by Chesil Beach, Dorset.
It is a neophte, which was introduced in the1590s,
and known in the wild since the 1860s.
It only becomes naturalised where there is little frost.
Eastern Gladiolus is an attractive, cormous perennial,
growing up to 80cm.
Flowers are showy and in a spike of up to 20 blooms.
Flowers are up to 7cm across with 6 bright purple petals.
Leaves are typically iris-like.
Previous page: Early Marsh-orchid
Next page: Elder
Eastern Gladiolus, Dorset
Flower spike
6-petalled flower
3 stamens and 3 stigmas
Iris-type leaves
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