Early Forget-me-not
Early Forget-me-not, cliff-top, West Bay, Dorset
Small, mid-blue flowers
Side view of flowers and sepals
Flower stem
Basal rosette of leaves
Myosotis ramosissima
April to June
It is found throughout the country apart from parts of the
North and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Early Forget-me-not
It grows in open, dry and infertile soils such as, cliff-tops,
limey grassland, heaths, dunes and on walls and waste
Early Forget-me-not is a native, annual, low, sprawling
herb, growing up to 25cm, but often only 1 to 2cm
when prostrate.
Flowers are small, up to 3mm across and mid-blue.
Sepals are hairy and more spread in fruit.
Flowering stems rise above the leafy part.
Leaves are hairy.
Basal leaves are in a rosette.
Previous page: Dusky Crane's-bill
Next page: Early-purple Orchid
Early Forget-me-not, cliff-top, West Bay, Dorset
Small, mid-blue flowers
Side view of flowers and sepals
Flower stem
Basal rosette of leaves
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