Yellow Crocus
Yellow Crocus in grassland
3 pale yellow anthers
Brown-striped petals . white-striped leaves
Crosus angustifolius x C. flavus (Crocus x stellaris)
Yellow Crocus, Yellow Giant
January to March
It is the first crocus to appear with the timing dependent
on the weather.
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Yellow Crocus
It is a neophyte that arose from a cross between
introduced parent plants in the 16th century.
It is widely planted in gardens, parks, churchyards and
amenity areas.
It was first seen in the wild as a naturalised escape in the
1840s and it is continuing to increase.
Yellow Crocus is a non-native, cormous herb.
The flower is bright yellow, often with a brown stripe on
the outside of the petals.
The leaves have a central white stripe.
It spreads vegetatively because the flowers are sterile.
Previous page: Winter Aconite
Next page: February
Yellow Crocus in grassland
3 pale yellow anthers
Brown-striped petals . white-striped leaves
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