Cuckooflower in rough pasture
Lilac-coloured petals and yellow stamens
Close-up of capitate style
Pinnate leaves
Anthers, style and pod
Visiting tapered drone fly
Cardamine pratensis
Lady's smock
Late March to June
It is traditionally associated with the arrival of the cuckoo
and is a plant used to measure the timing of spring.
Very widespread throughout the country
See the BSBI distribution map for Cuckooflower
It is found in wet grassland, pasture, meadows and soggy
lawns, and boggy areas in woods.
Cuckooflower is a native, perennial herb that grows up to
60cm or so in height, but is usually shorter.
It is a very attractive plant with flowers varying from dark
lilac, when they first appear, to almost white.
The 4 petals are distinctly veined.
The pods are a few cm long and upright.
The leaves are pinnate at the bottom and become more
thread-like further up the stem.
The plant spreads to form distinct, localized clones by
rooting from the leaves.
Previous page: Creeping Comfrey
Next page: Dwarf Pansy
Cuckooflower in rough pasture
Lilac-coloured petals and yellow stamens
Close-up of capitate style
Pinnate leaves
Anthers, style and pod
Visiting tapered drone fly
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