Crow Garlic
Crow Garlic in rough grass, Portland Bill
Flower (bulbil) head - mid July
Imature flower bud - early June
Flower (bulbil) head - late June
Flowerhead - early July
Stem and leaves
Tubular leaf
Allium vineale
Wild Onion
June to July
It is found mainly in the southern regions and is scattered
See the BSBI distribution map for Crow Garlic
It grows in grassland and hedgerows, by roads and
pathways, and on cultivated ground.
It used to be a serious pest of cultivated ground.
Crow Garlic is a native, persistent, bulbous, perennial,
growing up to 1.2m.
The flowerhead is made up of 3 smaller flower heads,
each up to 2cm.
It usually consisting only of bulbils, as is the case here,
but sometimes there are also offset flowers.
Bulbils are shiny purple.
Leaves are cylindrical, erect along the stem, and then
bending down.
Previous page: Cross-leaved Heath
Next page: Cut-Leaved Selfheal
Crow Garlic in rough grass, Portland Bill
Flower (bulbil) head - mid July
Imature flower bud - early June
Flower (bulbil) head - late June
Flowerhead - early July
Stem and leaves
Tubular leaf
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