Creeping-Jenny clump
Spreading stems
Flower from above - glandular black dots
Flower from side
Leaves - round and opposite
June to August
It is found throughout the country, except for a few parts
of the North.
See the BSBI distribution map for Creeping-Jenny
It grows in damp woods, hedges and grassland, and
beside paths and streams.
Plants in the wild are a mixture of native and garden
Creeping-Jenny is a native, evergreen, creeping,
perennial herb, growing up to 60cm.
Flowers are 5-merous, up to 2.5cm, with yellow petals
and anthers.
The petals are slightly fringed with small teeth, and
with black, glandular spots.
Leaves are opposite, round to oval, and up to 3.5cm.
Stems are creeping.
It spreads by stem fragmentation and seeds.
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Creeping-Jenny clump
Spreading stems
Flower from above - glandular black dots
Flower from side
Leaves - round and opposite
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