Crab Apple
Crab Apple blossom
Close-up - flowers
Fruits and leaves
Mature crab apples
Another crab apple variety
Malus sylvestris
April to May
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Crab Apple
Crab Apple grows in hedgerows, small woods, scrub and
waste land.
It is a small, deciduous, native tree, growing up to 10m.
Flowers, up to 3cm across, are in clusters of between 4
and 7.
Each flower has 5 white or pink petals and numerous
cream stamens.
Leaves are ovate, toothed and 3-4cm long.
Fruits are round, 2cm across and green, yellow or red.
Fruits are used in Crab Apple jelly.
There are several hybrids of Crab Apple with introduced
crab apples and with domestic apples.
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Crab Apple blossom
Close-up - flowers
Fruits and leaves
Mature crab apples
Another crab apple variety
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