Common Vetch
Common Vetch in a hedgebank
Common Vetch flowers
A commonly found darker form
Young pods
Leaflets and branched tendrils
Vicia sativa
Garden Vetch, Vetch
May to September
It is found throughout the country but is slightly less
common in the North.
See the BSBI distribution map for Common Vetch
It grows in grassy hedgebanks and grassy waste
Common Vetch is a nitrogen-fixing, native, annual
herb, scrambling over other plants.
Flowers are purple with the standard paler than the wings.
They are up to 25mm across and either solitary or in pairs.
Leaves have 3 to 8 pairs of leaflets and the tendrils are
Mature pods are black or brown.
Three are 3 subspecies found in the UK(subsp. nigra,
subsp. segetalis and subsp. sativa).
It used to be a fodder crop, and some populations are
naturalised escapes.
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Common Vetch in a hedgebank
Common Vetch flowers
A commonly found darker form
Young pods
Leaflets and branched tendrils
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