Chalkstream Water-crowfoot
Chalkstream Water-crowfoot
Stamens longer than carpels
Underside of flower
Robust aerial flower stems
Branched (penicillinate) submerged leaves
Rafts of water-crowfoot, river Brit, Dorset
Ranunculus penicillatus subsp.pseudofluitans
The peak season is May to June, but it may flower
sporadically from April to September.
It is found mainly in Hampshire, Dorset, Somerset and
Wiltshire, and is scattered elsewhere.
See the BSBI distribution map for Chalkstream Water
It is a prolific floating plant in lime-rich, moderate to
fast-flowing streams and rivers.
Chalkstream Water-crowfoot is a native, aquatic,
perennial, rhizomatous plant forming rafts of divided
and parallel deep-green leaves (penicillinate).
Flowers are white, erect and up to 3cm across.
Petals have prominent yellow honey-guides/
In this species, the stamens are longer than the central
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Chalkstream Water-crowfoot
Stamens longer than carpels
Underside of flower
Robust aerial flower stems
Branched (penicillinate) submerged leaves
Rafts of water-crowfoot, river Brit, Dorset
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