Bulbous Comfrey
Bulbous Comfrey, Abbotsbury, Dorset
Flower cluster
Flower with protruding scales
Leaf insertion- running short distance down stem
Tuber and roots
Typical comfrey-shaped clusters
Symphytum bulbosum
April to May
My field guides gives June to August, but Bulbous Comfrey
flowers extensively in Abbotsbury, Dorset, in April and May.
It is very thinly scattered in the South, the Southwest, the
Northeast and East Anglia.
See the BSBI distribution map for Bulbous Comfrey
It is a neophyte which has become naturalised in the UK.
It grows beside roads, tracks and on waste ground.
Bulbous Comfrey is a patch-forming, low growing perennial
Flowers are creamy yellow.
The scales protrude from the corolla, with the style
extending beyond the scales.
Leaves run a short distance down the stem
Tubers are found just below the soil surface
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Bulbous Comfrey, Abbotsbury, Dorset
Flower cluster
Flower with protruding scales
Leaf insertion- running short distance down stem
Tuber and roots
Typical comfrey-shaped clusters
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