Bugloss, Snape Maltings, Suffolk
Flower head
Close-up of flowers
Bristly upper leaves
Stem and lower leaves
Anchusa arvensis
April to September
It is found throughout the country apart from parts of the
Northwest and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Bugloss
It is considered a weed of well-drained arable fields and
a wild flower on waste land, dunes and sandy heaths.
It is an archaeophyte.
Bugloss is an annual or biennial, bristly herb growing up
to 50cm.
Flowers are bright blue with white honey guides and
up to 1cm across.
Leaves are glandular, bristly, oval to lanceolate and
up to 15cm long.
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Next page: Bulbous Comfrey
Bugloss, Snape Maltings, Suffolk
Flower head
Close-up of flowers
Bristly upper leaves
Stem and lower leaves
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