Bugle in a damp meadow
Flowers with 4 stamens - typical Labiatae
4-sided stem, oval leaf
Bronzed leaves
A true fly, Rhingia campestris, on bugle
Ajuga reptans
April to July
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Bugle
It grows in woods, especially in open woodland at the
edge, by paths and rides, and in damp, often shaded
grassland, e.g., by canals, rivers and hedges.
Bugle is a native, perennial, low growing herb with runners
and growing up to 30cm.
The flowers have deep blue corollas with the upper 2
petals fused and small.
The stems are square and hairy on 2 sides.
Leaves are oval and dark green or bronzed.
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Next page: Bugle-lily
Bugle in a damp meadow
Flowers with 4 stamens - typical Labiatae
4-sided stem, oval leaf
Bronzed leaves
A true fly, Rhingia campestris, on bugle
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