Brooklime colonising canal edge
Brooklime mat
Close-up of flower spike
Leaves and flower spikes
Veronica beccabunga
May to September
It is found throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Brooklime
Brooklime is found in a wide range of wetlands such as the
edges of streams, ponds, rivers, ditches and in farm ruts
and marshy pasture.
It does not grow in clean, nutrient-free (oligotrophic)
waters prefering open sites with no competing plant
It is a native, mat forming, perennial herb growing up
to 60cm.
The flowers are on an upright spike and typically
speedwell:7-8mm across and bright blue with a starry
white central eye.
Leaves are fleshy and up to 6cm long, oval and bluntly
The stems are creeping and root at the base before
forming thick, fleshy, erect spikes.
It spreads by seed and rooted stems.
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Next page: Buck's-horn Plantain
Brooklime colonising canal edge
Brooklime mat
Close-up of flower spike
Leaves and flower spikes
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