Broad Bean
Broad Bean, grassland, Cogden, Dorset
Flower clusters
Leaves, square stem
Vicia faba
Horse Bean
May to August
It is common in the Midlands, East Anglia, the Southeast,
the South and the near Southwest. It is thinly scattered
See the BSBI distribution map for Broad Bean
It is a casual, which grows on waste ground, rubbish
tips and, as shown here, in grassland just above a
shingle beach.
It is a relic or escape from culivation and is usually
short-lived in the wild, but may persist for several
It is a neophyte which has been grown in the UK
since 1200.
Broad Bean is a robust, nitrogen-fixing, annual
herb growing, up to 1m or so.
The flowers are white with a purple-black patch.
Leaves are broad ovals.
The stem is square.
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Next page: Broad-leaved Dock
Broad Bean, grassland, Cogden, Dorset
Flower clusters
Leaves, square stem
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