Bristly Oxtongue
Bristly Oxtongue on Brighton shingle
Flower - ray and disc florets
Triangular, prickly bracts
Prickly upper leaves
Basal leaves -warts and all!
Picris echioides
Helminthotheca echioides
June to November
It is found throughout the country except for parts of the
North, the West Midlands and the far Southwest.
See the BSBI distribution map for Bristly Oxtongue
It is an archaeophyte.
It grows on shingle, walls, cliffs and waste ground by
the sea, by field edges and roads.
Bristly Oxtongue is an annual or biennial, prickly herb,
growing up to 80cm.
The bristles are unusual in that they have swollen bases.
Flowers are pale yellow, up to 2.5cm across and with
prickly. triangular bracts.
The stems are hairy and the lower leaves pimply.
Previous page: Branched Bur-reed
Next page: Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea
Bristly Oxtongue on Brighton shingle
Flower - ray and disc florets
Triangular, prickly bracts
Prickly upper leaves
Basal leaves -warts and all!
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