Blue Water-speedwell
Blue Water-speedwell, Hooke, Dorset
Flower spike
Blue anthers - newly opened flower
Linear bracts
Calyx lobes, style and stigma
Lanceolate leaves, green stem
Veronica anagallis-aquatica
Water Speedwell
Late May to August
It is found throughout the country but is less common in
parts of the North, the West Midlands and the far
See the BSBI distribution map for Blue Water-speedwell
It grows by rivers, streams and ponds, and in ditches.
Blue-Water-speedwell is an attractive, native, annual,
upright herb, growing up to 50cm.
Flowers are pale blue, up to 1cm and in spikes.
There are 2 white stamens with purple anthers.
There is a white style with a capitate stigma.
Calyx lobes are ovate/lanceolate.
Bracts are linear.
The stems are green and fleshy and the leaves are
lanceolate and up to 12cm.
It spreads from seed and rooted stem fragments.
It can grow vegetatively (non-flowering) in shallow
water, only flowering when it emerges.
It is easily confused with Pink Water-speedwell (June),
with which it hybridises.
Previous page: Blue-eyed-grass
Next page: Bog Pimpernel
Blue Water-speedwell, Hooke, Dorset
Flower spike
Blue anthers - newly opened flower
Linear bracts
Calyx lobes, style and stigma
Lanceolate leaves, green stem
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