Balkan Anemone
Blue Anemone in grassland
Type 1- white anthers
Type 2 - cream anthers, broader petals
White and slightly pink forms
Anemone blanda or Anemone apennina
Blue Anemone
March to May
Both are widely planted in gardens and parks thoughought
the country.
Balkan Anemone is a very thinly scattered naturalised
See the BSBI distribution map for Anemone blanda
Both anemones are neophytes that are found in woodland,
by roads and paths, and as relics of cultivation in
churchyards, parks and brownfield sites.
A. blanda is a tuberous, perennial herb with narrower
petals than A. appenina.
It is only a recent escape - since the 1980s.
A. apennina is a rhizomatous, perennial herb. It has
been naturalised since the 1700s.
I have not been able to tell them apart, either from my
photograghs or the reference books.
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Blue Anemone in grassland
Type 1- white anthers
Type 2 - cream anthers, broader petals
White and slightly pink forms
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