Bird's-nest Orchid
Bird's-nest Orchid, Powerstock Common, Dorset
Close-up of flower spike
Close-up of flowers
Flowers and scales
Neottia nidus-avis
Late May to July
It is scattered throughout the country but is more common
in southern areas.
See the BSBI distribution map for Bird's-nest Orchid
It grows in dense Beech woodland and in Hazel coppices in
humus-rich calcareous soils.
Bird's-nest Orchid is a native, honey-coloured, saprophytic
herb, growing up to 60cm.
The flowers are up to 18mm across, on a spike and have
no spurs and only 2 lips.
The stem has scales.
The roots are tangled and blunt, resembling a bird’s nest.
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Bird's-nest Orchid, Powerstock Common, Dorset
Close-up of flower spike
Close-up of flowers
Flowers and scales
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