Clump of Elephant-ears
Flowerhead close-up
Close-up of flowers -stigmas, stamens
Close-up of stigmas and stamens
Anthers, styles and stigmas
Large flower bud and stems
Large leaves
Bergenia crassifolia
Large-leaved Saxifrage, Bergenia
The main flowering season is March-April, but it may flower
as individual spikes at any time of the year.
It is scattered throughout the country.
See the BSBI distribution map for Elephant-ears
It is a neophyte introduced to the UK in the mid 1760s and
known in the wild since the 1960s.
It is naturalised in woodland, hedgerows, roadside verges,
railway embankments and on waste ground.
It is often grown as ground cover in gardens.
Elephant-ears is a large leaved, showy, perennial herb
growing up to 50cm.
Flowers are pink to purple in large spikes.
Individual flowers are approximately 2cm across with 5
bright pink petals.
There are 10 red stamens with white anthers.
There are 3 styles and stigmas.
Leaves are broad and up to 25cm long.
Previous page: Eastern Rocket
Next page: European Larch
Clump of Elephant-ears
Flowerhead close-up
Close-up of flowers -stigmas, stamens
Close-up of stigmas and stamens
Anthers, styles and stigmas
Large flower bud and stems
Large leaves
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